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Other internship resources

Pace Center 2012 Summer Internships Database - includes Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS), Guggenheim Internships in Criminal Justice, and Center for African American Studies Civic Internships in an easily sortable table.

PrologueTV - a series of short interviews filmed by Richard She '12 featuring students who did a variety of interesting summer internships.

Intern Sushi - A new way to find, apply to and manage internships in the hardest-to-break-into industries from entertainment to fashion to the arts.

InternMatch - helps match students to internships, including positions available in micro-finance, environmental sustainability and social justice.

(nearly all of the fellowships and internships listed include a living stipend)

June Deadlines | July Deadlines | August Deadlines

To submit an internship, enter the name of the internship and press the button:












Logo_5_medium.jpg Nyaka AIDS Orphans Projects Other Okemos, MI, Austin Tx, Uganda 1/1/----
Opensociety.jpg Open Society Foundations Fellowships Other International --/--/----
Sea-Grant-logo-220x220.jpg Oregon Sea Grant Summer Scholars Marine Science and Policy Placements Summer/Seasonal Corvallis, OR 4/1/2012
PPS-logo.png Partnership for Public Service - Public Service Fellows Program Non-Partisan Government Research Summer/Seasonal Washington, DC 3/9/2012
Politicorps.png PolitiCorps Political Organizing and Leadership Bootcamp Summer/Seasonal Portland, OR 3/26/2012
PPIAnew.gif PPIA Institute: Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program Public Policy and International Affairs Institute Summer/Seasonal Berkeley, CA; Princeton, NJ; Ann Arbor, MI; Pittsburgh, PA; College Park, MD 11/1/2011
schwab-foundation.gif Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship: Student Initiative Social Enterprise Placements Summer/Seasonal Various 2/15/2012
shakespearelogo.jpg Shakespeare Theatre Company Internships and Fellowships Theatre Production, Artistic, and Administrative Placements Year-long Washington, DC 4/1/2012
smithsonian.gif Smithsonian Institution Internships Other Washington, DC --/--/----
sblogo.jpg StartingBloc Institute for Social Innovation > 2 years Boston, Los Angeles, New York 1/1/2012
Screen-shot-2012-04-13-at-11-18-48-PM.png Study of Community-Based Sustainable Development in Bali, Indonesia Customized sustainable development introduction Summer/Seasonal Bali, Indonesia 6/1/2012
shiftlabs.jpg Summer Digital Innovation Fellowships - shiftLabs Social Media, Editorial and Mobile Development Positions Summer/Seasonal New York City, NY; London, England 5/18/2012
banner-gsoc2012.png Summer of Code Write code for open-source projects Summer/Seasonal Various 4/6/2012
american-prospect.gif The American Prospect - Internships Editorial, Web, and Publishing Internships Summer/Seasonal Washington, DC 4/16/2012
kaiser_family_foundation.jpg The Kaiser Media Internships in Health Reporting Health Reporting Media Internship Summer/Seasonal Washington, DC 12/1/2011
logo_village_voice.gif The Village Voice Media Digital Fellowship Alternative Media Fellowship Summer/Seasonal Phoenix, AZ --/--/----
header_logo_nomads.gif Travel Writing Scholarship 2012 - Southeast Asia Travel Writing Assignment for Young Writers Summer/Seasonal Singapore 4/23/2012
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