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Name: Steph Hill
Job: Yard Hand at Ellice Recycle Ltd.
Current City: Victoria, Canada
School: Princeton - Class of 2010
Major: Politics
Social Media:
After PrincetonI spent a year in Vietnam teaching English before returning to Canada. I have a strong interest in waste management (yes, with the garbage and the big, smelly trucks) and an equally strong aversion to working full time in an office so I applied to work outside as a yard hand to get a sense of how the business works (I'm told this is called "starting at the bottom"). I've learned a lot about work, industrial standards, heavy lifting, dressing for inclement weather, things people will throw away when you think you aren't watching them, heavy machinery, uses for crow bars and steel toed boots (ikea furniture demolition, anyone?), what the word "empty" means to different people, how to dismantle a mattress with an angle grinder, what it means to run a business with integrity, what it means to stop caring about integrity because it is too fucking cold, and how I don't get bored of seeing (read: arduously sorting) resources on their way to a new life, or, you know, a waste to energy incinerator. The pay is not actually punishingly low, but the hours do change all the time, and there are a heck of a lot less hours to go around in the winter. The hours and pay are such that I can practice martial arts nearly every day pretty easily. It's a fun environment where there is a very direct link between the work you do and the results you see. I still want to work in waste management with the big smelly trucks, and I'm actively pursuing new ways to do so. |
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